Copyright holder: Google LLC

Client: Google

Role: Senior UX Researcher - Consultant

About Jamboard

Google Jamboard is an interactive whiteboard that integrates real-time collaboration technology from G-Suite, known in Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc., into a freeform space that allows users to brainstorm and collaborate in early ideation. The ecosystem of products includes a 55” touch screen device, a mobile app for tablets and phones, and a version for the web.

Team and role:

I was the only UXR in a team of 50+ Engineers, PMs, and a small team of UX Designers. Each project had a cross-functional structure of PM,UXD, and ENG and I supported multiple teams concurrently.


  • Understand key journeys and value for the largest customer (Google Enterprise).

  • Uncover use cases, user types, pain-points, and valued functionality.

  • Prepare Google Jamboard for launch in 2017


Methods and tools

  • Heuristic Evaluation of Core User Journeys (CUJ’s)

  • User Journey Mapping

  • Usability Testing

  • Concept Testing

  • Cafe Studies

  • Shadowing Users

  • Surveys

  • Qualitative Analysis

  • Contextual Observations


  • Significant Improvement of object selection and manipulation features. August 2018 Rollout

  • Redesign of the tool pallet. Reduction of friction by eliminating counter-intuitive controls and organizing functionalities based on frequent behaviors. August 2018 Rollout.

  • Improvement of the overall video-call experience by eliminating a complex functionality that wasn’t part of the most relevant use cases, as well as improving the usability of the call, hang-up, and screen-sharing actions during the call. May-September 2017 Rollouts.

  • Uncover an analytics issue that was providing false positive data regarding usage.


Sadly by the close of 2024, Google Jamboard will join the Google Graveyard. While awaiting the post-mortem, it's clear that the data and market have spoken.

Collaborating with such talented individuals has significantly contributed to my growth as a researcher. I vividly recall numerous user stories, discoveries, and insights from individuals who engage in creating, collaborating, and visually interpreting ideas on digital whiteboards. Today, I proudly count myself among them."